Sunday, April 18, 2010

If there something strange in your week, who you gonna call? Re-flec-tions

Aw, nothing like a Ghostbusters reference to start off my favorite English assignment, the reflection. Speaking of which, did you know that they are making a third Ghostbusters over twenty years after the second? That was just a little icebreaker right there. Anyways, this week in class was pretty good. To start things off, we had some more debates. Now I am a man that does his work early, so my debate was already complete. Therefore, Tuesday's class was very relaxing in the manner of just sitting there and watching as two peers equally argue on a controversial issue. I do have to say that I thought that Joe and Cole's debate looked like it was going to get a little heated at some points. It did not though, which was a huge disappointment to me. Thursday's class was even better than Tuesday's. We started the movie "Shattered Glass" with that guy that plays Anakin in the new Star Wars trilogy. Yeah, that guy is not that great of an actor in my opinion. I mean, he is alright, but there is certainly better. Maybe part of the reason I do not like him is because I did not really like the new Star Wars trilogy. They were pretty good films, but no where near as amazing as the original three. That is pretty sad that films made with twenty more years of advanced technology were not better. I guess it just goes to show that George Lucas and everybody involved did an amazing job with the original trilogy and they are all too old now. The original Star Wars trilogy was definitely the greatest trilogy of all time. So that is pretty much what happened in English 112 this week.

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