Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Reflection is a must

Well it appears as if it is that time of the week again. It is now that time where I talk about whatever is going on in my life or, as Mrs. Irvin-Rooney calls it, Reflections. I feel like this week was pretty much wasted though. You see, Senior Assassin was going on all week, and I am one of the people that got really involved in that. Let's just say that there was a good chance that I would have one, had I not been cheated. Senior Assassin, for those that do not know, is a game where Seniors try to eliminate their target by getting them wet. At the same time though, the participant has to avoid the person that is targeted after them. I started Senior Assassin with a blast. I quickly eliminated Melissa Houston on the car ride to our English class and stayed away from Lonnie Johnson. In round two, I eliminated Matthew Bobosky a.k.a "Bobo" in the same manner that I eliminated Melissa. I was on a roll. I had eliminated my second target quicker than anyone and was a huge favorite for the win. I did a good job avoiding Ben Verlander and had him beat until the cutoff date. He finally got me on the cutoff date because I thought it ended at 12 noon, when in reality it ended at 3pm. That is why I feel that I was cheated out of Senior Assassin. Shattered Glass was a pretty good movie, too. Although I hated the way that Stephen Glass talked. It was very annoying.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

If there something strange in your week, who you gonna call? Re-flec-tions

Aw, nothing like a Ghostbusters reference to start off my favorite English assignment, the reflection. Speaking of which, did you know that they are making a third Ghostbusters over twenty years after the second? That was just a little icebreaker right there. Anyways, this week in class was pretty good. To start things off, we had some more debates. Now I am a man that does his work early, so my debate was already complete. Therefore, Tuesday's class was very relaxing in the manner of just sitting there and watching as two peers equally argue on a controversial issue. I do have to say that I thought that Joe and Cole's debate looked like it was going to get a little heated at some points. It did not though, which was a huge disappointment to me. Thursday's class was even better than Tuesday's. We started the movie "Shattered Glass" with that guy that plays Anakin in the new Star Wars trilogy. Yeah, that guy is not that great of an actor in my opinion. I mean, he is alright, but there is certainly better. Maybe part of the reason I do not like him is because I did not really like the new Star Wars trilogy. They were pretty good films, but no where near as amazing as the original three. That is pretty sad that films made with twenty more years of advanced technology were not better. I guess it just goes to show that George Lucas and everybody involved did an amazing job with the original trilogy and they are all too old now. The original Star Wars trilogy was definitely the greatest trilogy of all time. So that is pretty much what happened in English 112 this week.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Guess what time of the week it is...Reflections time

This week was amazing, truly amazing. Now there is really only one reason that I say this to you and that is because it was Spring Break. There is no greater week in the school year than Spring Break. One of the things that I dearly look forward to during Spring Break is the chance to sleep in late during every day. However, this amazing plan was halted due to the fact that J. Sarge was not on Spring Break the same week as Goochland. Now this strange plan was used in the great Mrs. Irvin-Rooney's English 112 class, but it was used in Dr. Kopf's Bio 102 class, which starts while the moon is still visible. It was slightly sad though that I was forced to go a whole week without being graced with the presence of Mrs. Irvin-Rooney. I still managed to have a pretty good Spring Break though. I hung out with friends and family, went bowling, saw the movie "Date Night," and had a fun day at Kings Dominion, just to put it in a nutshell. It was not the greatest Spring Break, but it was still pretty good. I am deeply saddened that it had to end so soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reflection Numero Dososososo

So this past week in class was probably the greatest of all time. It probably amounted to the most amount of fun that one could have in an English 112 class. Although, with the great Mrs. Irvin-Rooney teaching, how could there be a dull moment? Tuesday was great because we had an all out debate in class. At least I think this was on Tuesday. It may have been last Thursday, but I guess we will never know. Anyways, the debate was amazing and very self-satisfying. It was almost like a relaxing therapy session, getting all that knowledge and wisdom flowing out there. Then, to top off the great week in English, we had debates on Thursday. Now I know that this actually happened on Tuesday. The debates were a lot of fun and they greatly influenced my opinions on a lot of issues. I had a great time doing my debate on former congressman Eric Massa with my fellow student Matt Bobosky. You remember Matt Bobosky from class, don't you? He also goes by "Bobo," if that's what you call him. Well anyways, I would say our debate got a little more inappropriate than I thought it would be. I did not intend for him to describe the term "snorkeling" to the class. I felt like we had the least professional, but funniest debate of all. I did feel like I forgot a few good points though, but for the most part, I did an amazing job in the debate considering I only pre-wrote my sources and not any facts. This past week of class was amazing though and I certainly hope that there are more like it.